The Project

What if missing home could make the safety plates of offshore production units even more efficient? That's how Safety Doodles came about, a brilliant idea from Prio's creative sector, which chose us to produce, film and direct this project. The action came to life with the little hands of those most interested in platform security: the children of those who work there. The children redesigned the signs, bringing a new perspective and effectiveness to the signs.


Film Direction: Jhony Muller
Art Direction: Lucas Mendes
Copywriting: João Marcelo Muri
Assistant Director: Michel Luz
Caption: Matheus Yan, Eduardo Conti, Lucas Melo and Emerson Clayton
Audio: Bruno Ribeiro
Set Designer: Vitória Sodré
Beauty: Luisa Kwarahy
Photographs: Tayná Uraz
Motion: Jonathan Wandemberg
Operations: Manuel Freitas
Production: Firma Criadores