The Project

How can data generate real changes and save the lives of women in Latin America?

Under this motto, we were invited by the Igarapé Institute to create 3 audiovisual pieces that aim to generate awareness about the topic on the continent. There were 3 films about data about the scenario of violence against women in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil. Through collages, we explored the alarming data of the various types of violence.

To put an end to violence, it is necessary to know its patterns, who are the victims and the aggressors, what are the legislative limits and what type of policies we are investing in.


Project Management: Alinne Silveira
Creative Director: Jhony Muller
Creative Assistant: Pedro Guarilha
Executive Producer: Paulo Lima
Production Assistant: Vicky Müller
Motion: Carina Oliveira and Thaís Macedo
Voiceover: Julia Arguelles (Mexico), Camila Peroni (Colombia) and Vera Bonilha (Brazil)