The Project

The best-known commissioned fountain in history was designed in the 17th century. It is the “King's Roman” and, for the more intimate, the famous “Romain du Roi”. It is so called because it was an order from Louis XIV, King of France.

A little over 300 years later, we're now seeing a boom in so-called custom fonts. Realizing the value for communication, more brands create their own fonts as part of their branding effort.

But whenever I talk about typography with brands, the financier has a question to ask: “but what about R.O.I.?”

To help clarify this question and tell you why typography has been a major brand asset since the French monarchy, we created content that goes du Roi to R.O.I.!


Art Direction: Jhony Muller
Screenplay: Rodrigo Saiani and Valter Costa
Motion: Marcela Werneck